Schoenstein Organ

Schoenstein Organ

Schoenstein Organ

The St. Paul’s Organ was built by Schoenstein & Co. of San Francisco, California and is the first Schoenstein instrument in the mid-Atlantic region. Designed to accompany the Anglican service, the instrument has a rich selection of colorful solo stops and soft effects, as well as ensembles for brilliant hymn playing. Unique to St. Paul’s organ are a solo reed stop that sounds like the horn used in a Wagner orchestra (Tuben 8′), a symphonic flute, and two stops from the 1869 organ in the Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City. The smallest pipe is pencil-sized; the largest pipe is 18.5 feet tall, 2 square feet in dimension and weighs 430 pounds.


For audio samples of the 1996 Schoenstein instrument, please click here.

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